Does the Jungle Cruise live up to Expectations?

The Jungle Cruise was directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and is based on the Disneyland/DisneyWorld ride of the same name. Set in 1916, The Jungle Cruise follows Dr. Lily Houghton and her brother McGregor as they hire Frank Wolff to help them find a.. Magic tree? I think? It takes place in the jungle in Brazil, and there are plenty of characters who have interesting costumes, but Lily is the character that stood out to me. The best way I can describe this movie is The Mummy (1999) but not as good. This comes as a surprise to no one, but The Jungle Cruise just feels like a way for Disney to make more money, another mediocre recreation of some previous Disney concept. Not to mention the plot gets confusing, and there are WAY too many spiders.
In 1916 the Edwardian period had ended, and the First World War had started. In between the elegant lace dresses of the Edwardian Era and the complete shift in silhouette of the 1920s, the 1910s are definitely an interesting time for fashion. I have heard this period of time called a variety of things, the later Edwardian Era, or the Titanic Era, but it’s very hard to categorize as none of those exactly “fit” it exactly, especially considering how much fashion was beginning to change. Most people say 1914 is the stopping point for all of those terms. World War One Era or the 1910s is probably the most accurate title.
The costume designer for The Jungle Cruise is Paco Delgado, who also designed Les Misérables, A Wrinkle in Time, and Cats?? I’m not going to criticize him, I don’t think it’s his fault that some of the costumes feel off. The background costumes are beautiful and it’s clear he knew what he was doing. I suspect the director and others had more say in changing what Lily was wearing. So in general, I honestly don’t have much to say about the costumes in the Jungle Cruise. They do the job they were created for, and most of them are mens costumes which is not as interesting to me so I didn’t pay as much attention to them. But there are some costumes that did catch my attention. If you want to know more, I just uploaded a video detailing some of the costumes!
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